
This is my life unveiled as a Black Christian woman in today’s culture. I share what my Christian lifestyle and walk with Christ is like, unapologetically and honestly. Here, you can expect vulnerable, real conversation about life, the Word, and God with sprinkles of beauty, fashion, and wellness posts here and there.

A call in

A call in

I grew up unaware of my blackness, and it wasn’t until 2014 that it was fully revealed to me. through The deaths of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown hurt me deeply; I saw my nephew in them. Those moments and every other name that followed broke open the actual reality of hate in America (and the world) front and center. For the first time, I noticed the numerous micro and macro aggressions I’ve experienced over only 27 years of living. For the first time, I wondered about the safety of my family. For the first time in my life, I was fully aware of just how dangerous hard hearts and callused minds can be.

I had the same awareness when I realized my father’s side of my family isn’t too far removed from slavery. I had the same awareness when the lives of immigrants were threatened with the removal of DACA because my family is only a handful of generations removed from being immigrants. I had the same awareness when the COVID pandemic reignited xenophobia towards Asians in the country because my grandmother is an Asian woman, as well as some of my closest friends.

The state of the country is no new revelation to me, but my perspective is. For the first time, I’m seeing this through the lens of the Spirit. Because of that, my heart has been heavy with personal, cultural, and spiritual responsibility.

What I’m sharing here, what you’re about to read, may rattle your bones. It may present some discomfort. It may unveil some hidden things. It may incite different emotions and thoughts. It may present you to hope. It may inspire your courage. It may very well confirm or affirm some things you’ve been thinking in the Spirit, or it may oppose them. Whatever it may do for you, I hope it is good.

With great love and sincerity, Jazz.

[Spiritual Warfare, 2019. Digital Collage]

I am convinced that hatred, bigotry, indifference, suppression, apathy, malice, envy, inequity, inequality, and every other product of oppression are not of God. White supremacy, racism, and any system that perpetuates those things are not of God. Choosing to actively support and share in these things is not of God. Instead, it’s evidence of a heart lacking in Godly love, Christ-like compassion, and perfect wholeness.

We have a responsibility to our brothers, sisters, and neighbors across the world who are suffering, grieving, frustrated, exhausted, fighting, crying out and weeping. We have a responsibility to them that goes beyond preaching a message of repentance steeped in sin-consciousness. We can’t sit comfortably in an idea of salvation while people are dying. We can’t sit comfortably in an idea of judgment while people are brutalized. Yes, our Heavenly Father works in mysterious ways, and we can’t be certain of what He is or is not doing. What we must be sure of; however, is that nobody deserves to be dehumanized. Nobody deserves the humanity God gave them to be stripped from them. God is the only One who gives us life, and the fact that He breathes life into us daily is proof of that.

Peace from our Heavenly Father is that of reconciliation, not avoidance. We have to get uncomfortable in our faith by honestly evaluating our beliefs, and allowing Him to lead us where we must go. It is a privilege to have peace in our hearts that settles and grounds us when it is threatened. In our mourning, we can choose to lean on the Comforter for comfort, but we must not forget that we have brothers, sisters, and neighbors who don’t know that they can too. We must be willing to feel, hear, understand, and address the heart’s condition of those around us by picking up the cross and sharing the burden — working together in healing toward salvation.

Brothers and sisters, we are the salt and the light of the earth. We’re called to be an image of our heavenly Father in the world. We ought to keep our eyes on God while extending compassion to those who are tormented by despair. We ought to worship and rejoice while praying for a hedge of protection, a covering of strength, and the presence of comfort for all who need it. We ought to bless the name of the Lord while speaking against invisible strongholds, weapons, and enemies we see that veiled eyes cannot. We ought to declare victory while fighting alongside our brothers, sisters, and neighbors. We ought to share hope and encouragement while standing firm in the trenches of this war. We must, also, be willing to pray for the hearts of those people who oppose us while challenging the position of their heart.

Understand that every talent, every gift, every ability, every word, every thought, every bone and muscle given in heaven will be used. Let God work through you at this moment, to lead you where you must go. Let His vision show you what you must do. Let His wisdom and understanding settle in your hearts and minds to carry you in faith. Give all that you are given, and allow God to use it for His purpose and to His glory right now and forever.

Truthfully, there is a war happening in the natural and the spiritual, and the latter can only be fought by those aware of it. Blessed with what weapons we need, we are able to fight the good fight. This is a part of the work each of us has been called to do. We have the power within us to call out to the Lord of heaven’s armies to send down warriors and chariots of fire to fight on our side. Put on the full armor of God, equip yourselves with what God has given you, and be encouraged. Weeping may last through the night, but joy always comes in the morning. 

Yes, we’re angry. Yes, we’re furious. Yes, we’re tired of this enemy to our lives. Yes, we’re upset, in pain, and grieving. And yet, we will not be paralyzed by fear. We will not be terrorized by despair. We will not let exhaustion lead us to confusion. Our hearts grieve, and they are hopeful. Our minds are full, and they are clear. Our souls are hurting, and they are strengthened. While we are in the trenches of this darkness, let us fight. Let us fight against our enemies, seen and unseen. Let us band together and stand against every weapon that is formed against us. Let us continue on, in unity, and shed light on the darkness in every corner of the world. This darkness will not last. It will not continue to live. As we continue to let the Light shine, darkness will no longer have a place to hide.

Change, justice, and goodness will prevail — a new day is coming. We will all walk alongside each other and live together in equality and equity. There will be no more bigotry, no more hatred, no more separation, no more degradation. Where there once was indifference, there will be conversation and understanding. Where there once was apathy, compassion will reside. Where there once was silence, there will be rejoicing. Every shackle will be removed, every chain will be broken, every stronghold will fall, every wall will crumble, every weapon will not prosper, and every enemy will be conquered. This is a battle for ALL of our souls, and we will win.

We are not defeated. We have the victory over hate. We have the victory over malice. We have the victory over every enemy that comes against us. Praise God, we have the victory!

being, doing in love

being, doing in love

I Need | He Provides: Just Ask

I Need | He Provides: Just Ask