
This is my life unveiled as a Black Christian woman in today’s culture. I share what my Christian lifestyle and walk with Christ is like, unapologetically and honestly. Here, you can expect vulnerable, real conversation about life, the Word, and God with sprinkles of beauty, fashion, and wellness posts here and there.

Put it on: Belt of Truth

Put it on: Belt of Truth

The belt of truth is vital to the performance and effectiveness of the armor that we wear. As mentioned in the study, this piece of the armor holds everything together. Without it, the armor doesn’t stay in place and the sword can’t be carried into battle. Even with belts we wear today, the type of belt — down to the details of the number of notches — affects the look, fit, and comfort of the outfits we put together. When they are not the right one for the job, nothing is held together in its proper and expected/intended place.

Although the Truth of God is as black and white as black and white can be, our understanding of that truth can be subjective — that subjectivity affects our trust in God, our ability to truly depend on Him, our willingness to love Him, and how effective the armor He gives us will be in the time of battle.

Just as the type of belt is crucial for the overall performance of what the soldier wears into battle — or the outfit we choose to dawn for the day — the way we wear it is just as an important detail. How do we put on the belt of Truth? The instruction is to stand our ground and put it on.

When we put on a belt, we more able to put it on correctly when we’re standing still and paying attention. Carefully and focused, we loop the belt through each of the loops designed to hold it in place. We ensure that it’s through each one correctly before tying, buckling, or locking it into place. We all know what happens when we’ve thought our belt was perfectly in place only to realize we missed the loops we could not see or were too distracted to notice.

The soldier in battle must also stand their ground while putting on this piece of armor. They must be completely steady and focused, ensuring that every part of the belt is in its proper place before proceeding to do anything else. If one piece isn’t where it ought to be, the armor can be penetrated in battle. To put it frankly, the breastplate would lose its place, leaving the core of the body vulnerable to fatal blows of the enemy.

Though some details of how may vary, we always want to make sure we’re putting the belt on while standing our ground; firm, steady, focused.

One of the best ways is the Word of God that is so hidden in our hearts. [ref. Psalms 119:11; Deutoronomy 6:6, 11:18; Colossians 3:16] When the Word and promises of God are planted in our hearts, we will always be able to eat of its good fruit. Those Words then become affirming reminders, or alters of remembrance, of the Truth of God.

Some of my favorite verses are ones that God has given me as life verses to get me through trying seasons. Although I might not be able to quote all of them verbatim, I’m able to remember the key points and words. Most of the time, I don’t pull them out of a hat like a Bible magician. Instead, they flow from me whenever I’m speaking in the moment. If the same happens for you, that’s okay. It’s the Word, the faith, and the root of the message of God in it that gives it its potency in our time of need.

Another way to put on the belt is to do so first thing in the morning. This is somethings that I, personally, implement because I’ve found that it helps me. Here’s a brief outline of some of the things I affirm to myself during my morning routine:

  • God is good — Psalm 34:8

  • God is faithful — Deutoronomy 7:9-11; 2 Thessolonians 3:3

  • God is for me — Romans 8:31

  • He is all of those things because He loves me — John 3:16; Psalm 8; Romans 8:38-39

  • I am a Child of God — Galatians 3:26

  • I am safe — Psalm 4:8

  • I am secure — Isaiah 41:10

  • I am supported — Psalm 27:10

  • I am okay — Romans 8:32-39; Psalm 23

  • Everything is going to be okay — Romans 8:28; Psalm 30:5

These affirmations are the foundation for everything else that I remind myself of in the morning. Some mornings, I add that my body has been a safe place for me for the years I’ve lived, and I give thanks for that. Sometimes I remind myself of Jeremiah 29:11 + Luke 1:37 + 1 Thessolonians 5:24 when I start to wonder about the future, the desires, and the visions the Lord has given me. Sometimes, I elaborate on these things during my morning stretch and meditation.

Another way to put on the belt is reminding yourself that you have it on/available in your moment of need. Some days and some mornings, I don’t always feel or think my best. My mind and emotions can get so foggy that I start to spiral into dark mental and emotional spaces. I feel overwhelmed, overstimulated, and like everything is in complete chaos. Then, I remember that while I don’t feel okay, I’m okay because I’m in God’s hands. On the outside and in the midst of that chaos, God is there. So, while I might see fog, I won’t see fog forever. While I might feel terribly, I won’t feel terrible forever because my God is an ever present help in times of trouble.

Reminding ourselves of that faithfulness before, during, and after the fact reminds us of the power in the belt. No, that’s not to say I positive think myself into salvation — for me, it doesn’t work that way. Putting on the belt in the moment we need it is building an alter of remembrance of the comfort of God in the midst of the battle and the storm and the promise of hope in the future. This is about acknowledging the Truth of God, the truth about the situation at hand, and the truth about the goodness to come. We position ourselves in the perfect tension between our present, God’s presence, and the future. Here, we can be given respite, wisdom, peace, hope, and a promise that everything will be okay and we’re allowed to not feel okay.

“God is good. God is faithful. God is for us.” Dr. Dharius Daniels shared in a message that he preached at Elevation that these are three eternal truths about God. They’re also proven time and time again in every verse, passage, story, and book. Three eternal truths about the Lord, right there.

If you ever find yourself wondering about your belief in what the Truth of God is, those three truths are a great place to start. While you read the Word and ask Him to reveal His Truth, remembering those three things can help you understand who God is for you and for each of us.

And that will provide you a more perfect belt properly suited for the armor you wear in battle. Put it on every day, every morning, and every moment you need it

wild woman of God | spiritual warfare

wild woman of God | spiritual warfare

Armor of God: Belt of Truth

Armor of God: Belt of Truth