
This is my life unveiled as a Black Christian woman in today’s culture. I share what my Christian lifestyle and walk with Christ is like, unapologetically and honestly. Here, you can expect vulnerable, real conversation about life, the Word, and God with sprinkles of beauty, fashion, and wellness posts here and there.

seek the kingdom

seek the kingdom

I kept repeating my desktop verse of the day in my mind. Seek first the kingdom, seek first the kingdom, seek first the kingdom. Matthew 6:33. I sat on my bed and stared at it, and it was as if a lightbulb turned on. Matthew 7:7-8 crossed my mind. Here, Jesus gives a promise to our seeking — if we seek, we will find. Then I remembered the introduction to a book I’m working on, Psalm 63:1.

I thought about the different times seeking God is found in scripture [1 Chronicles 16:11, Psalm 14:2, Isaiah 55:6, Psalm 63], and what that looks like in the Word. The train shifted and my mind settled on Enoch and his mention in Hebrews 11:5-6. Almost immediately, more names of great witnesses appeared front and center.

Enoch escaped death and was a man who pleased God because he walked in close fellowship with God. Noah found favor with God because he was the only person in his day who walked with God. David, a great king appointed by God and an adulterer, was a man after God’s own heart — God said it Himself. Job was favored in God’s sight. Adam and Eve walked alongside God in the garden. Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego were literally ride-or-dies for God. Sarah, though barren, believed God would keep His promise. the woman who bled for twelve years was healed in a second because of her determination and trust in God. Rhoda believed Peter was at the door, no matter who didn’t believe. The disciples, the apostles, both Marys, and every person who followed Christ walked with God even when it didn’t make sense. Even Jesus Christ himself walked with God, and He was God.

Then I thought on the phrase repeated throughout Hebrews 11, “It was by faith…” They all had faith. This is faith that comes by way of God’s good grace. Grace that, from the very beginning of time, has proved God’s love for us. They knew God is before they believed God does. They sought the kingdom by walking in fellowship with God out of love for the King.

All of this led me right back to Hosea 6:6 — my verse of the year. Hosea 6:6, to me, is a declaration of desire and love from God to His people; His called and chosen. His beloved creation. I want you to show love, not offer sacrifices. I want you to know me more than I want burnt offerings. (NLT)

Can you imagine that? God, the Creator of all things wants each of us to know Him on a personal, intimate level. The One who sees all, hears all, and knows all wants us to know Him. He cares so much that David wrote entire Psalms about it. He cares, and my mind will forever be blown by that.

To know God is to know His love and to know His love is to know God is love. From the moment He thought of us to the moment we were knit together in the womb, we’ve been loved by Love Himself. From birth and into our daily lives, Love has always been there. Love is the One who calls us out and in. When we seek after the One who loves us to no end, we will always find Him.

The Beatitudes: Persecution, rejection, and being put out

The Beatitudes: Persecution, rejection, and being put out

The Beatitudes: Peacemakers

The Beatitudes: Peacemakers